What Causes Back Pain In Females?

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What causes back pain in females?

Many women suffer from back pain, which can make life tough. There are lots of reasons why this happens, like how their bodies are built and the way they live. By understanding these reasons, we can figure out how to help women deal with and avoid back pain.

Women often get back pain from things like pulled muscles, hormonal shifts, and being pregnant. Various medical conditions can also play a role. It’s important to seek medical help for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Consider visiting Orthos Centre, a spine clinic in Pune for specialized care.

Common Causes of Back Pain in Females

Poor Posture:

Prolonged periods of sitting or standing with poor posture strain the muscles and ligaments of the back, leading to pain.


Physical changes during pregnancy, including weight gain and hormonal shifts, can cause back pain due to the shifting centre of gravity.

Menstrual Cycle:

Hormonal changes and uterine contractions during menstruation can result in menstrual back pain.


Women are more susceptible to osteoporosis, which causes weak bones and compression fractures leading to back pain.

Muscle Strain:

Heavy lifting, sudden movements, or poor lifting techniques can strain back muscles, causing pain.

Stress and Emotional Factors:

Emotional stress can manifest physically as back pain, as back muscles become tense during stress.

Gynecological Issues:

Conditions like endometriosis, uterine fibroids, or ovarian cysts can cause back pain due to their proximity to the back.

Prevention and Management Strategies

Exercise and Physical Activity:

Regular exercise, especially core and back muscle strengthening, can prevent and alleviate back pain.

Maintaining a Healthy Weight:

Being overweight exacerbates back pain, so maintaining a healthy weight through a proper diet and exercise is crucial.

Good Posture Practices:

Practicing good posture training while sitting, standing, and lifting significantly reduces the risk of developing back pain.

Stress Management:

Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing  Spine Rehabilitation exercises help manage stress and tension in the back muscles.

Seeking Medical advice:

Persistent or concerning back pain requires medical attention for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Knowing why women get back pain is important for their health. Doing things to prevent it and seeing the right doctor can help them feel better and live happier. It’s important for women to learn about what causes back pain and how to manage it. If you’re in Pune and need expert help, consider visiting Dr. Shrikant Dalal, a spine specialist in Pune.